• Organizations that have not completed their previous SMCF grant
  • Debt retirement
  • Domestic animal shelters
  • Events including fundraisers, conferences, concerts, and sponsorships
  • Indirect or overhead costs, except those expenses that specifically and essentially relate to the grant project. These costs should be a small percent of the total request
  • Institutions that in policy or practice unfairly discriminate based on race, ethnic origin, sex, creed or religion
  • Multi-year funding
  • Pass-through funding to organizations that are not tax-exempt
  • Projects or organizations that propagandize or influence elections
  • Projects within sectarian or religious organizations that primarily serve their own members or adherents
  • Replacement funding for activities or materials previously supported by federal, state or local public funds
  • Sporting complexes
  • Start-up construction projects
  • Land acquisition
  • Capital projects on land that is not owned